Flavour District

DoN Flavour District - the new, smart lunch restaurant. With a combination of fixed dishes on several themes and changing offers, the cashless concept is just as convincing as the table service.

DoN Flavour District turns lunches into real pleasure breaks and offers an exclusive product selection, combining classics with new food trends.
Flexibility and individuality are among the important values of the new lunch restaurant line. Depending on the agreement, pre-orders, take-away as well as voucher solutions and a wide variety of billing and support models can be implemented at all locations.

Innovative and high-quality catering for employees is an important component of attractive employer brands, and DoN Flavour District offers this with variety and in the best quality.

For office locations and business centers that are not only assigned to individual companies, this innovative gastronomy concept offers the possibility of also opening up to external guests.

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Flavour District

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