Wherever we serve guests we have the self-confident claim to redefine catering and redesign it in a sustainable and environmentally conscious way. Because enjoyment is a right for everyone, we deliver unique services for all requirements.
We are ambitious. We do the right thing. We deliver promised quality and services. We closely work together, among colleges and with clients. We are reliable and environmentally partners.
We transcend customs and habits. Develop new innovative and sustainable ideas. Implement them. We are flexible. Stay uncomplicated. We are the best for every occasion.
We design for all the senses, tasteful, appealing, beautiful. We know how to make an impact on others. We make use of it consciously.
We are friendly and honest, with all our heart. We openly engage with others. We say something nice. Our guests feel that. Customers. Colleagues. Suppliers.
sales revenue/ year
150 Mio.
Delicious or Nothing
Josef Donhauser is the man behind DoN. The enterprising gastronome started his career in his parents' confectionery shop in Kirchberg am Wechsel, and even then his motto was - Delicious or Nothing. A claim that still applies to the companies of the DoN group today.
Josef Donhauser founded his first own business in 1992. Today, the DoN group operates numerous locations throughout Austria with around 2,000 employees and is also internationally successful.
The basis for this is, on the one hand, the unconditional demand for quality and, on the other hand, the entrepreneurial flexibility that allows the company to offer tailor-made solutions in all areas of gastronomy. Tailored taste is what clients and guests appreciate so much about DoN.
The DoN group has been successful for years in rail catering in Austria, in business catering with a focus on lounges at the most important Austrian airports and train stations, and in office catering with new concepts for employee catering, as well as in cultural and event catering. Classic restaurants, cafés and bars round off the DoN group's catering portfolio.
In 2020, Josef Donhauser secured the master franchise license for the popular VAPIANO brand for Austria and the Alp-Adria region. The own brand Fat Monk - Deli Bowls is also on course for expansion, as is the cashless lunch restaurant concept DoN Flavour District.
DoN is the largest privately owned catering company in Austria and a specialist for individual catering solutions. Analog and digital.
Josef Donhauser, CEO
DoN in the Press
Fat Monk Eröffnung in München, 27.06.2024
Mit einer großen Opening Party öffnete am Donnerstag, den 20. Juni, der erste Fat Monk-Store in München seine
Pforten und bringt das einzigartige österreichische Bowl-Konzept nach Süddeutschland.
Goldmedaille für die VIENNA Lounge mit Tailored taste, 20.03.2024
Vienna Lounge ist „Global Lounge of the Year“ der Excellence Awards 2024 von Priority Pass
Bis Anfang Oktober sind in ausgewählten Railjet-Zügen auf der Weststrecke Serviceteams in Tracht unterwegs, um gemeinsam mit den Gästen das DoN’s Bierfest mit Bier und Brezel an Bord der ÖBB zu feiern.
Vielfalt als Stärke - Im Gespräch mit Josef Donhauser, Gründer und CEO der österreichischen DoN-Group,
die nun mit dem Konzept Fat Monk nach Deutschland kommt
Die Gastronomiegruppe DoN übernimmt mit September 2022 den Betrieb der Kantinen und Publikumsbuffets im Burgtheater sowie dessen Spielstätten im Akademietheater und im Kasino am Schwarzenbergplatz.
Eröffnung vom Braulokal ‘Zur Liesl’ am 7. April 2022
Mit der neuen Linzer Brauerei am Gelände der ehemaligen Tabakfabrik kehrt ein Stück Braukultur zurück in die Stadt. Begleitet wird das Revival des Linzer Biers von einem neuen kulinarischen Hotspot, dem Braulokal "Zur Liesl".
Ein "leidenschaftlicher Österreich-Botschafter" im ÖBB Speisewagen - Interview von Hermann Schmidtendorf vom Bahn Manager Magazin mit Geschäftsführer Josef Donhauser.
VAPIANO Pressemitteilung vom 22.12.2021
VAPIANO Eröffnung in Graz-Seiersberg am 13. Dezember 2021.
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